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illustration board meaning in Hindi

illustration board sentence in Hindi

चित्र फलक
illustration    चित्र चित्रण
board    मंडल बराबर आना
1.He worked almost exclusively on illustration board, drawing with charcoal.

2.This quality separates it from illustration board, which has only a front working surface.

3.Watercolor on illustration board is the principal medium.

4.He purchased illustration boards and paints from local stationery stores; eventually shifting to permanent magic marker pens.

5.Charest previously illustrated on regular illustration board provided by publishers, though he disliked the non-photo blue lines printed on them.

6.The tracing is mounted on white illustration board, with the artists using technical pens to copy the face's major features.

7.Working in pastels on illustration board, she created most of the covers for " Weird Tales " between 1933 and 1938.

8.Bessa Vugo is also famous for her illustration boards related to nutrition ( French iconography scientific boards Deyrolle, etc . ).

9.To create these illustrations, Morrill uses oil on illustration board, coating the image with a high-gloss glaze and thin coats of paint.

10.He would pass this on to Elder to render the final image following Kurtman's layouts exactly after having the image transferred to illustration board.

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How to say illustration board in Hindi and what is the meaning of illustration board in Hindi? illustration board Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.